Today on the Indie Author Spotlight at the Seventh Star Blog, we are featuring a very talented horror and science fiction author, Joey Webb! Joey has a new book out in his Blood Brothers Saga, A New Wave, and we invite you to find out more about him and his writing in the brand new interview below!

How would you describe your writing style to a reader who has never read your work before?

I specialize in short stories but also have several novels published or in the works. My stories are usually fairly short and to the point. I am not a fan of wordy exposition. I won’t spend a lengthy paragraph describing a drop of sweat forming on a character’s forehead, as an example. I like inserting equal amounts humor and horror in my short stories. My stories are also largely dialogue driven as opposed to meticulous descriptions of persons, places and things. The readers imagination often fills in the blanks anyway.

What genres are you published in, and what do you like most about writing in those genres?

Horror and science fiction are my genres of choice. Out of all the genres, I feel like you can use your imagination and take liberties not possible in more ‘conventional’ genres.

Are there any genres that you would like to explore that you have not yet been published in?  If so, then what interests you about potentially writing in those genres?

I am a fan of the sword and sorcery genre. I grew up reading authors like Tolkien and R.E. Howard and feel like it would be an interesting challenge to create a fantastical world like in those works from scratch.

Tell us about your latest release.

My latest release is Book Three in the Blood Brothers Saga. It is entitled ‘A New Wave.’ It tells the story of the ongoing feud between the Murdoch brothers. Chance is a werewolf on the side of law and order. His younger brother Luke is a vampire drug kingpin in 1980s Los Angeles. Their feud dates back to the old west and has been going on for a hundred years with vampires, werewolves, zombies, humans and half breed dhampirs also involved.

What are you currently working on, in terms of your works in progress?

Book Four of the Blood Brothers Saga will be called Wolves of Europa. The Murdoch brothers continue the ‘blood drinkers’ vs. ‘moon wolves’ war, this time in the future, spanning the reaches of the galaxy.  I am also working on at least half a dozen short stories in the horror and sci-fi genres for inclusion in future anthologies.

What do you personally find most challenging about the craft of writing?

Finding the time to write with a full time regular job as well as other projects can be tough. Even writers have to sleep some time. 

What do you view to be your strengths when it comes to writing?

I am a quick, stream of consciousness writer. I have completed two full novels in less than six months time in the past. I have plenty of ideas to fill up several more books in my lifetime with no problem. My books are quick, easy reads that most fans of the genres can enjoy.

Tell us a little about your path to becoming a writer, including when you decided to pursue writing with a goal of becoming published and what initially drew you toward writing and storytelling.

I have been making up or telling stories most of my life.  People in the south, particularly those in my family in Kentucky, just seem to enjoy getting together and telling stories, so it comes naturally. I relished being able to put them on paper in creative writing projects from the time I started school until I finished. I didn’t consider writing as something to pursue seriously until a teacher in middle school encouraged me to continue. I sent a story for a Halloween magazine contest about ten years ago and despite not winning, the judges encouraged me to keep at it and offered to possibly publish me in the future. Later, I sent a short story for consideration in an anthology and it was accepted. I’ve gone on to have five books published since.

What do you find to be some of the biggest hurdles in being a writer today?

The market saturation is unreal. When people hear that you are self published or from an independent small press they sometimes assume it means you weren’t good enough to be published by a ‘real’ publisher. Marketing for an independent writer without an agent or a decent amount of money to invest can also be challenging. Letting people know that your books are even available (and where) can sometimes be the biggest challenge of all.

What do you see as the most important advice you could offer a new writer?

Keep writing. Don’t get discouraged with rejection or take it too personally. Learn to grow a thick skin and how to distinguish between constructive criticism and people who just want to see you fail and hate on everything. Try to be as original as possible but don’t be afraid to take inspiration from whatever source you can.


Connect with Joey online at the following links:

Twitter @AuthorJoeyWebb

Synopsis of A New Wave:

1980s Los Angeles is known for both the glitz and the grime. Luke Murdoch, the vampire career criminal has expanded his interests into the booming drug dealing industry. Chance Murdoch, his werewolf brother, is on the side of the law working for the government to eradicate the drug cartels. The century long battle between the Murdoch brothers reaches a fever pitch in the most decadent city in a decadent decade. Hollywood isn’t big enough for the both of them! Book Three of the Blood Brothers Saga.

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